
August 4, 2009 at 10:42 pm (Uncategorized)

Due to technical difficulties, there has been a delay in posts, but we’re working to catch up

ENTRY 1 (Saturday)

I have been wondering what might happen when six women who perform different functions at the same school (and who didn’t all know each other before working on this project) leave their usual environment and go together to a very foreign environment.  Working together at UNCSA, unfortunately, did not provide the kinds of opportunities that this journey has provided to share ideas.  There, everything is so busy and schedules must be maintained.  Here, there are no interruptions and the only schedules that must be maintained are train and ferry schedules.  One of the first things that has struck me is that a three-hour train ride through absolutely beautiful surroundings got everyone talking about those things that stimulate their creativity.  For example, the UAM in the School of Design and Production also holds an MFA and is a visual artist.  She chatted animatedly during the entire trip with the teacher of ESL classes who also teaches freshman English and is a photographer and visual artist.  In fact, when we were in Glasgow (which has a well-known arts school) we went to the art supply store near the school.  Everyone, including the dancer and the former chief academic officer, bought tablets, charcoals, etc. for sketching and painting.  Something about this experience is opening people up to trying new things.    Elaine

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